Monday, March 26, 2007

Expert Lectures with Smith and Miller; Week 2

I really loved these interviews. Even though I absolutely disagree with Smith, I thought his interview was very well done. I thought the interviewer didn't quite agree either, but he handled the interview very well and professional. Smith was a very cute old man who, you can tell, really believes what he said. I found it interesting that he was raised with a faith and because of his nature, he couldn't grasp it and looked somewhere else to get the answers he needed. He, you can tell, has to have complete answers, not the "faith" answers. He didn't like that the religion theory had not real solid structure except for journals and testimonies of others. He needed some solid proof and he, in his opinion, found that through evolution. He is definitely an expert in this area, (obviously) and it would be inevitable to convince him other wise. Even though he found the answers he was looking for, I found his theories and reasons hard for me to believe. If I could have been there in the interview, I would have questioned some of his theories. Such as, his thoughts on the creation or his ideas of our creation. What he found logical, I found inconceivable. Again, even though I disagreed with him, the interview was very informative in what the evolution theory is. I haven't studied it, but I do know my own beliefs. And I still feel I am in the right direction, versus evolution.

In the Ken Miller video, I found this very entertaining. He was an excellent speaker and kept my attention the whole time. I loved all his visuals and stories he had to tell. I don't know if it's because I agreed with what he said, but I enjoyed this speech much more than Smith's. Miller really seemed to know how to connect with his audience. I liked his ideas about religion versus evolution. I loved that he said, "We should teach both sides." It's true. We should allow everyone the right to hear all sides and then discern for themselves. I am a complete "religion" believer and I enjoy hearing all sides of all religions and cultures. It helps me with my testimony of my own religion choices and actually confirms my beliefs even more. That is a great thing about this country, the freedom of religion. By limiting what our children are learning, because we don't believe it, makes our future generations more ignorant and uneducated in all things. We should expand our children's minds and teach them your own beliefs at home. If what you believe in is true, as you feel it is, then there should be no denying that your child will choose the "right" as well. Let them govern themselves and they will choose righteously. The parents of today have a backward idea of forcing things and ideas on their children. Even so much, that they over protect and the children of today are turning out weaker. Because our generation hasn't had to "fight" like some previous generations, we take it for granted and over protect our children. I agree with Miller, that we should teach both sides, all sides, and let the next generations have a better and a more expansive education.

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